Did you know that Dar Kawa has an Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program? We have a dedicated, extra room at the riad especially reserved for the creative nomad. Artists, writers, designers, chefs, architects, and all creative professionals are welcomed to apply for a one to two week stay to work on a directed project. The manager of this program is Trong Gia Nguyen. Hailing originally from Vietnam and the New York City, Trong is a Belgium-based artist who is who also designs, curates, and writes. His artworks have been exhibited all across the world in galleries and museums.

In fact, over the last three years, Trong Gia Nguyen has been the wordsmith behind all of our digital missives. From Instagram posts to newsletters and blogs, he loves turning an inspired phrase or two. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but articulating that beauty with just the right text seems to be a distant, fading art. In the age of reductive AI and shorthand emojis, human wit and wisdom still flow straight from the horse’s mouth. After all, the very experience of Dar Kawa relies on human connection based on real socializing and not just internet networks.

Check out Trong’s recent exhibition in Vietnam, and if you are interested in the AIR program, send him a note at air(at)darkawa.net